Prospective analysis of a TRD cohort over a 1-year follow-up with standard of care in Mexico: results for depression severity, treatment response, disability and QoL from the multicenter, observational TRAL Study
Mexico, Clinical Outcomes, Treatment-Resistant Depressive Disorder, response, Patient-reported outcomesAbstract
Introduction: Based on TRAL Mexico subsample, clinical outcomes and Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) are reported here. Methods: From 697 patients with MDD recruited from 14 Mexican sites, 140 patients with diagnosis of TRD under standard of care (SOC) were included in the 1-year follow-up. Patients with relevant psychiatric comorbidities or active participation in a clinical trial were excluded. Outcomes were obtained from PROs and clinical assessment scales. Results: Patients were mostly female (82.6%), with a mean age of 47.6 years. Only 44.3% of the patients achieved a clinical response, and remission was around 37% (measured through MADRS). Results from PHQ-9, EQ-5D and SDS show significant symptoms and disability for TRD patients in their everyday life after 1-year of follow-up with SOC. Discussion: TRD patients showed a significant burden of the disease, as current SOC fails to deliver clinically meaningful results for the majority of the patients. Response, remission and relapse are far from the desired outcomes Conclusion: Mexico has undertaken relevant and meaningful strategies to improve mental health resources availability, but some unmet needs are yet to be addressed. All involved stakeholders should consider public policies to enhance clinical outcomes and availability of resources.
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